Ways Forward

Painting is never done. Whenever a mark is made, a form construed, a colour laid down, a unique revelation occurs.

This passage of mark, form, colour,'this assemblage of light reflecting what has gone before is something new to the world, of no prior existence and unrepeatable. A peculiar visual moment in time with a specificity of individuality.

Like a child in whom parentage is visible who is yet unique among millions, to be appreciated as individual. For us as painters the drive to create is both defiance and desire. There is always the possibility of discovery, of new life, of progression.

We each bring something different to the creative task: differences born of experience, interest and inclination.

Showing together juxtaposes these differences while acknowledging a commonality of debt, not just to art history, but to contemporary life, education and issue. We come at these things from our specific individuality while in'mutual'conversation that enriches and informs the work we each do.

These works in paint are our'attempts to find'ways forward as we explore, experience and'endeavour to'resolve.

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